Sexual Violence in History: A Bibliography

compiled by Stefan Blaschke


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Start: Topical Index: Victims: Reactions: Narratives:

Victims: Reactions:

[Info] Bates, Victoria. »‘Misery Loves Company’: Sexual Trauma, Psychoanalysis and the Market for Misery.« Journal of Medical Humanities 33 (2012): 61-81.

[Info] Bergen, Doris L., et al. »Buried Words: A Forum on sexuality, violence and Holocaust testimonies.« Holocaust Studies (May 15, 2021).

[Info] Goodman, Gail S. »Children’s testimony in historical perspective.« Journal of social issues 40 (1984): 9-31.

[Info] Shik, Na’ama. »Description and silence: Sexual abuse in early and later testimonies of survivors and the emergence of the Israeli narrative.« Holocaust Studies (May 15, 2021).

[Info] Wright, Katie. »Speaking Out: Representations of Childhood and Sexual Abuse in the Media, Memoir and Public Inquiries.« Red Feather Journal 7 (2016): 17-30.

[Site] A f r i c a n   H i s t o r y

[Site] Rwandan History

Secondary Sources

[Info] Bandau, Anja. »Vergewaltigung als Trope? Texte über den Genozid in Ruanda.« Bürgerkrieg. Erfahrung und Repräsentation. Edited by Isabella von Treskow et al. Berlin 2005: 225-257.

[Info] Coundouriotis, Eleni. »"You Only Have Your Word": Rape and Testimony.« Human Rights Quarterly 35 (2013): 365-385.

[Info] de Brouwer, Anne-Marie, et al., eds. The Men Who Killed Me: Rwandan Survivors of Sexual Violence. Vancouver 2009.

[Info] Löfström, Silja. Bearing Witness to Trauma: An Analysis of Testimonies of Rape in The Men Who Killed Me: Rwandan Survivors of Sexual Violence. Master's Thesis, Tampereen yliopisto, 2015.

[Info] Mibenge, Chiseche. »Witnesses of Sexual Violence in Rwanda and Sierra Leone and International Law.« »Against Our Will«—Forty Years After: Exploring the Field of Sexual Violence in Armed Conflict. Hamburg 2015.

[Site] Sierra Leonean History

Secondary Sources

[Info] Ibrahim, Aisha F. War's Other Voices: Testimonies by Sierra Leonean Women. Ph.D. Thesis, Illinois State University, 2006.

[Info] Mibenge, Chiseche. »Witnesses of Sexual Violence in Rwanda and Sierra Leone and International Law.« »Against Our Will«—Forty Years After: Exploring the Field of Sexual Violence in Armed Conflict. Hamburg 2015.

[Site] South African History

Secondary Sources

[Info] Hiralal, Kalpana. »Narratives and testimonies of women detainees in the anti-apartheid struggle.« Agenda (November 5, 2015).

[Site] A m e r i c a n   H i s t o r y

[Site] Canadian History

Primary Sources

[Info] O’Brien, Dereck. Suffer Little Children: An Autobiography of A Foster Child. St. John’s 1991.

Secondary Sources

[Info] Kennedy, Kathleen. »The Nun, the Priest, and the Pornographer: Scripting Rape in Maria Monk's Awful DisclosuresGenders No. 57 (2013).

[Site] U.S. History

Secondary Sources

[Info] Barringer, Carol E. »The Survivor's Voice: Breaking The Incest Taboo.« NWSA Journal 4 (1992): 4-22.

[Info] Grogan, Christine. Father-Daughter Incest in Twentieth-Century American Literature: The Complex Trauma of the Wound and the Voiceless. Lanham 2016.

[Info] Jacklin, Michael. »‘What I Have Done, What Was Done to Me’: Confession and Testimony in Stolen Life: Journey of a Cree WomanKunapipi 29 (2007): 19-33.

[Info] Moorti, Sujata. »Cathartic Confessions or Emancipatory Texts? Rape Narratives on The Oprah Winfrey ShowSocial Text No. 57 (1998): 83-102.

[Info] Yoshikawa, Mako E. Riddles and Revelations: Forms of Incest Telling in 20th-Century America. Ph.D. Thesis, University of Michigan, 2008.

[Site] A s i a n   H i s t o r y

[Site] Bangladeshi History

Secondary Sources

[Info] Hasanat. Fayeza. The Voices of War Heroines: Sexual Violence, Testimony, and the Bangladesh Liberation War. Leiden 2022.

[Site] Cambodian History

Secondary Sources

[Info] Causey, Rachel. Sex Trafficking through the Survivors' Eyes: The Power of Memoir. Honors Thesis, Texas Christian University, 2014.

[Info] Hoefinger, Heidi. »Neoliberal Sexual Humanitarianism and Story-Telling: The case of Somaly Mam.« Anti-Trafficking Review No. 7 (2016): 56-78.

[Site] Chinese History

First-Person Narratives: "Comfort Women" Narratives

[Site] Indonesian History

First-Person Narratives: Fifty Years of Silence

Secondary Sources

[Info] Pohlman, Annie. »Testimonies of Sexualised Forms of Violence against Women during the 1965-66 Indonesian Massacres.« Annual Conference of the Association for Asian Studies. Chicago 2015.

[Site] Korean History

First-Person Narratives: "Comfort Women" Narratives

[Site] Pakistani History

Secondary Sources

[Info] Ehsan, Muhammad, et al. »A Study of and Violence against Women in Feudal Society with Special Reference to “My Feudal Lord’’ by “Tehmina Durrani”.« Journal of Literature, Languages and Linguistics 15 (2015): 54-58.

[Site] Philippine History

First-Person Narratives: "Comfort Women" Narratives

[Site] Turkish History

Secondary Sources

[Info] Ekmekcioglu, Lerna. »To Collect Is to Recollect: Sexualized Violence in the First Survivor Testimonies after the 1915 Armenian Genocide.« Beyond Testimony and Trauma: Oral History in the Aftermath of Mass Violence. Montréal 2012.

[Site] Vietnamese History

Secondary Sources

[Info] Gilkes, Madeleine. ‘There was no one who could escape this horrible situation’: Gender-based violence in the American-Viet Nam War, 1954-1975. Ph.D. Thesis, University of York, 2000.

[Info] Ho, Ai B. »Beyond PTSD: Reading Le Ly Hayslip’s Memoirs as Illness Testimony.« Annual Meeting of the National Women's Studies Association. San Francisco 2019.

[Site] E u r o p e a n   H i s t o r y

[Site] Bosnian History

Secondary Sources

[Info] Basic, Goran. »Definitions of War Violence and Reconciliation in Narratives of Survivors from the War in Bosnia and Herzegovina.« First International Scientific and Professional Conference of Victimology in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Sarajevo 2015.

[Info] Basic, Goran. »Definitions of Violence: Narratives of Survivors From the War in Bosnia and Herzegovina.« Journal of Interpersonal Violence (January 6, 2016).

[Info] Hauser, Monika. »Narratives of Survivors of Sexual Violence from Bosnia and Herzegovina and from Kosovo.« »Against Our Will«—Forty Years After: Exploring the Field of Sexual Violence in Armed Conflict. Hamburg 2015.

[Info] Mo?nik, Nena. Sexuality after War Rape: From Narrative to Embodied Research. London 2018.

[Info] ten Bensel, Tusty, et al. »Stories of Wartime Rape Victims: The Deconstruction of Lived Experiences in the Balkan Conflict.« Violence and Gender 1 (2014): 77-89.

[Site] English History

Primary Sources

[Info] Beard, Mary. »The story of my rape.« The Guardian (September 8, 2000).

Secondary Sources

[Info] Behrends, Maike. Writing on the Poverty Line: Working-Class Fiction by British Women Writers, 1974-2008. Dissertation, Universität Osnabrück, 2011.

[Info] Causey, Rachel. Sex Trafficking through the Survivors' Eyes: The Power of Memoir. Honors Thesis, Texas Christian University, 2014.

[Site] Finnish History

[Info] Frisk, Matleena, et al. »Remembering rape: The temporal construction of sexual violence in autobiographical narratives from 1990s Finland.« Sexualities (February 14, 2021).

[Site] German History

Primary Sources

[Info] Biallas, Leonie. Komm, Frau, raboti: Flucht und Vertreibung 1945 - 1946. Hürth 2004.

[Info] Biallas, Leonie. »Komm, Frau, raboti«: Ich war Kriegsbeute. Leverkusen 2010.

[Info] Köpp, Gabi. Warum war ich bloß ein Mädchen? Das Trauma einer Flucht 1945. Munich 2010.

[Info] Köpp, Gabi. Warum war ich bloß ein Mädchen? Das Trauma einer Flucht 1945. Munich 2012.

Secondary Sources

[Info] Assmann, Aleida. »Zur (Un-)Vereinbarkeit von Leid und Schuld in der deutschen Erinnerung.« Zeitgeschichte 33 (2006): 68-77.

[Info] Baldwin, Annabelle. »Sexual Violence and the Holocaust: Reflections on Memory and Witness Testimony.« Holocaust Studies 16 (2010): 112-134.

[Info] Baldwin, Annabelle. »'And What Happened Next?': Emotions and Sexual Violence in Holocaust Interviews.« Oral History Australia Journal No. 41 (2019): 32-42.

[Info] Bischl, Kerstin. »"Und bin nicht mehr da." Überlebende berichten von sexueller Gewalt durch die Rote Armee 1944/45.« Geschlecht und Erinnerung im digitalen Zeitalter: Neue Perspektiven auf ZeitzeugInnenarchive. Edited by Alina Bothe et al. Berlin 2015: 135-156.

[Info] Chatwood, Kirsty. »(Re)-interpreting stories of sexual violence. The multiple testimonies of Lucille Eichengreen.« Life, death and sacrifice. Women and family in the Holocaust. Edited by Esther Hertzog. Jerusalem 2008.

[Info] Dahlke, Birgit. »Tagebuch des Überlebens: Vergewaltigungen 1945 in ost- und westdeutschen Autobiographien?« 10th Annual Conference of Women in German Studies. Manchester 1998.

[Info] Dahlke, Birgit. »Tagebuch des Überlebens: Vergewaltigungen 1945 in ost- und westdeutschen Autobiographien.« Autobiography by Women in German. Edited by Mererid P. Davies et al. Frankfurt/Main 2000: 195-212.

[Info] Kiper, Hanna. Sexueller Mißbrauch im Diskurs: Eine Reflexion literarischer und pädagogischer Traditionen. Weinheim 1994.

[Info] Leonhard, Claudia. Das Unaussprechliche in Worte fassen. Eine vergleichende Analyse schriftlicher und mündlicher Selbstzeugnisse von weiblichen Überlebenden des Holocaust. Kassel 2013.

[Info] Rübener, Florian. Erfahrungen von Frauen in Konzentrationslagern anhand ausgesuchter Autobiografien. Alltag, Überlebensstrategien und geschlechtsspezifische Besonderheiten weiblicher Lagerinsassen. Magisterarbeit, Universität Duisburg-Essen, 2013.

[Info] Shik, Na’ama. »Women’s testimonies about sexual violence in Auschwitz-Birkenau.« Sexual Violence in the Context of the Holocaust, Genocide and War. Montreal 2018.

[Info] Waxman, Zoë. »Testimony and Silence: Sexual Violence and the Holocaust.« Women Writing Rape: Literary and Theoretical Narratives of Sexual Violence. Warwick 2007.

[Info] Waxman, Zoë. »Testimony and Silence: Sexual Violence and the Holocaust.« Les viols en temps de guerre: une histoire à écrire - Rape in Wartime: A History to be Written. Paris 2009.

[Info] Waxman, Zoë. »Rape and Sexual Abuse in Hiding.« Sexual Violence Against Jewish Women during the Holocaust. Edited by Sonja M. Hedgepeth et al. Waltham 2010: 124-135.

[Info] Waxman, Zoë. »Testimony and Silence: Sexual Violence and the Holocaust.« Feminism, Literature and Rape Narratives: Violence and Violation. Edited by Sorcha Gunne et al. New York 2010: 117-129.

[Info] Zinner, Alin B.L. »Erzwungene Lust: Literarische Erinnerungen an Sexzwangsarbeit in Konzentrationslagern während des Zweiten Weltkriegs.« Literarische Inszenierungen von Geschichte: Formen der Erinnerung in der deutschsprachigen Literatur nach 1945 und 1989. Edited by Manuel Maldonado-Alemán et al. Wiesbaden 2018: 221-230.

[Site] Greek History

Secondary Sources

[Info] Hantzaroula, Pothiti. »Public Discourses on Sexuality and Narratives of Sexual Violence of Domestic Servants in Greece (1880-1950).« Journal of Mediterranean Studies 18 (2010): 283-310.

[Site] Hungarian History

Secondary Sources

[Info] Kunt, Gergely. »Wartime Sexual Economy as Seen through a Hungarian Woman's World War II Diary.« Feminist Studies 43 (2017): 108-133.

[Info] Kunt, Gergely. Kipontozva: Nemi eroszak második világháborús naplókban. Budapest 2019.

[Info] Lóránd, Zsófia. »Exhibiting Rape, Silencing Women: Alaine Polcz in the House of Terror in Budapest.« East Central Europe 42 (2015): 321-342.

[Info] Schwartz, Agatha. »Creating a “Vocabulary of Rupture” Following WWII Sexual Violence in Hungarian Women Writers’ Narratives.« Hungarian Cultural Studies 10 (2017): 81-95.

[Site] Irish History

Primary Sources

[Info] Douglas, Raymond M. On Being Raped. Boston 2016.

Secondary Sources

[Info] O’Doherty, Iseult. Stolen Childhood: Testimonies of the Survivors of Child Sexual Abuse. Dublin 1998.

[Site] Spanish History

Secondary Sources

[Info] Herrmann, Gina. »Reenactments of Remedios Montero: Oral History of a Spanish Guerrillera in Testimony, Fiction, and Film.« Hispanic Issues On Line 10 (2012): 123-138.

[Info] Herrmann, Gina. »"They didn't rape me": Traces of Gendered Violence and Sexual Injury in the Testimonies of Spanish Republican Women Survivors of the Franco Dictatorship.« Tapestry of Memory: Evidence and Testimony in Life-Story Narratives. Edited by Nanci Adler et al. New Brunswick 2013: 77-95.